Save Now on Virtue Cards from


Due to overwhelming demand for the Catholic Card Game, we have sold out of the base deck of our game. We are in the process of printing games as quickly as possible, but they will not be available for shipping to you until early 2020. Specific timing to be determined. 

You can still order the base game! Your order will be a pre-order of the newly printed games and it will be fulfilled as soon as we have more in stock.

Expansion packs are still available for immediate shipping without the base game. If you place an order that includes the base game, it will not ship until the base game is back in stock. If you would like the expansions shipped beforehand, you can place a separate order and those will come straightaway. 

Knowing that many of you were thinking of giving this as a Christmas present, we have created a print out for you to give to them in the mean time. 

Download the print out here.

Thank you for your purchase and sharing of our game!

Have a blessed Advent.

Here is the card -