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Board Catholic (that's us) believe that Catholics deserve their own kind of fandom. Movies, bands, comic books, they all have their devote following. But how much better is it to be a fan of Jesus' Church! 

The Catholic Card Game aims to give you a fun party game that combines the love of your faith AND your incredible sense of humor.

As Catholic young adults ourselves, we felt underserved by the big Catholic creators. Catholic products are either too childish or too academic with nothing that serves those that love their faith and aren't always wanting things to be catechetical in their nature. So we made a game for those that love their faith and are yearning to share life with other Catholics.

Lay people, sisters, priests and even Bishops all over the world are playing this game universally laughing at ourselves. People sometimes refer to it as the "Catholic Cards Against Humanity" because it shares a similar game play of being a Prompt & Answer style game. Check out what people are saying about our game on the Reviews page.

You can buy your copy at our store now too.